Christmas is a time of the year for all to celebrate and to help bring the Christmas SPIRIT on, we added some Christmas elements to our SodaStream Sparkling Water Makers!
Here's a few ways to spice it up:

SodaStream SPIRIT wears a santa hat, a santa white moustache and white glasses. Simply print out a santa hat (you can google santa hats and pick the santa hat you like), cut out and double table it to the top (head) of the sparkling water unit. The glasses and santa moustache can also be found online.

Stick the white winterland stickers on Source or other SodaStream Sparkling Water Maker machines sides or any surfaces to bring the Christmas Spirit on. These winterland stickers can be found at Daiso stores island-wide and are easy to peel and stick on the surfaces of the machines.
We hope these Christmas SodaStream ideas will add a White Christmas Winter Wonderland touch to your Christmas parties, your kitchen, dining table or whereever you place your SodaStream Sparkling Water Maker.